Delicious Chocolate Pudding made with Keventer Chocolate Milkshake

Chocolate Pudding

Want to make a dessert and wow your guests but don’t want to spend a long time in the kitchen? This Chocolate Pudding with 3 ingredients is easy to make and delectable in taste!




  1. Empty the Chocolate Milkshake packs in a pan and bring it to boil.
  2. Mix 2 tsp of cornflour with 3 tbsp. of water and pour in the boiling milkshake. Lower the flame and keep stirring to avoid any lumps.
  3. Add the chocolate chips and keep stirring till all of it melts together.
  4. Once the mixture thickens, take it off the heat and pour in desired bowls.
  5. Chill for 4 to 5 hours.
  6. Sprinkle cocoa powder and serve immediately.

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